Stages of Play in Early Childhood

Understanding the stages of play can help parents recognize and support their child’s development. Play is essential for social, cognitive, and emotional growth, and each stage builds on previous skills while preparing children for more complex forms of interaction.

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What is Play and Why is it Essential for Children?

Picture a 1 year old engaging in a giggling game of peek-a-boo with their caregiver using a blanket to hide under.

Now think about a 3 year old joyfully focused on pushing sticks through a puddle.

Imagine a group of 10 year olds organizing themselves into teams and kicking a ball into designated goal areas. 

All of these are examples of play. 

Play is a fundamental part of human life, offering joy, creativity, and growth, particularly for children. It is a self-motivated activity in which individuals become fully absorbed in the moment, engaging without concern for outcome or judgment. This article explores what play is, why it is essential for children’s development, and how it manifests in various forms.

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